Dogs in Cars in Hot Weather

Dogs in Cars in Hot Weather

Summer months heat things up Summer is a great time for all sorts of activities with your yorkies. But remember it’s important to keep them cool and hydrated.  What are the main predisposing factors for Heatstroke? Help your best friend keep their cool and enjoy...
Senior Yorkie Potty Behavior Problems

Senior Yorkie Potty Behavior Problems

A shift in Yorkie potty behavior can have many causes. Whether it is physical or behavioral, keeping filling your well of patience and follow these steps to get your yorkie’s potty behavior back on track. Ever heard the saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?”...
Keep These Holiday Foods Away from Your Yorkie

Keep These Holiday Foods Away from Your Yorkie

With Holiday Fun Come Food Dangers For Your Fur-baby The holidays are a festive time of year filled with fun and food, but it’s important to keep safety in mind so that you and your Yorkie can enjoy the season. With all of the hustle and bustle, it can be easy to give...
Yorkie Winter Fun

Yorkie Winter Fun

Winters can be long without outdoor fun With the temperatures dropping and winter weather (insert shivers) moves in, it can become harder to burn off your yorkie’s endless energy! We have two creative ideas to keep the cabin fever at bay. These activities are...
Winter Protection For Your Yorkie’s Paws

Winter Protection For Your Yorkie’s Paws

Winters are rough on your Yorkie’s paws Winter brings visions of snowmen, warm clothes and snuggling before a fire with your special pup. But the dry air, sleet, and snow can be especially hard on your Yorkie’s paws. Not only can pads become chapped and cracked, but...

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