Dental Duty: Why Yorkie Dental Care is Important

Dental Duty: Why Yorkie Dental Care is Important

Dental Care Important For Your Yorkie’s Teeth No one likes the dentist. Not even our furry kids. Unfortunately, Yorkie teeth are prone to dental issues due to the limited size of their mouths and some genetic predispositions, such as plaque buildup and tooth...
Bathing Your Yorkie Like a Professional

Bathing Your Yorkie Like a Professional

Bathing a dog sounds like a simple enough procedure, but things get a little trickier when you’re working with the unique coat of the Yorkshire Terrier. What Yorkie owners and professional dog groomers alike know is that the flowing, silky strands you see on...
5 Ways to Stop Your Yorkie from Barking

5 Ways to Stop Your Yorkie from Barking

Is it possible to get your Yorkie to stop barking? Although we absolutely love Yorkies, we know that their high-pitched, and sometimes, excessive barking can drive owners (and neighbors) up a wall. We’re sure you adore your tiny, excellent guard dogs but would...
Yorkie Winter Fun

Yorkie Winter Fun

Winters can be long without outdoor fun With the temperatures dropping and winter weather (insert shivers) moves in, it can become harder to burn off your yorkie’s endless energy! We have two creative ideas to keep the cabin fever at bay. These activities are...
Naming Your Yorkie Puppy

Naming Your Yorkie Puppy

The Perfect Name for Your Yorkie Pup Yorkies, with a long and intriguing history, have been companion dogs for over 100 years. Bred in Yorkshire, England, to hunt rats in cotton and wool mills, they’re feisty and loving, tough and intelligent, small in size but...

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