Stubborn, but Trainable:
Being highly intelligent, Yorkies are very trainable. With persistence and positive reinforcement, even the most difficult Yorkies can be potty trained.
Yorkie Stature:
Small in physique, averaging 9 inches from paw to shoulder and adults weighing around 5 to 7 lbs, Yorkies makes a great house pet for apartment dwellers. They take up little space and love to cuddle with their owners.
Devoted Friend:
The Yorkshire Terrier will be your buddy. This cute, cuddly, ball of fluff will always want to be by your side. He is your new best friend.Do you need more information about the Yorkshire Terrier? Read these
articles from The Yorkie Times.
I have 3 rescue yorks! love them!!
They are amazing dogs!
Are they really hard to potty train? I’m wanting to get one but am afraid they’re
to hard to train!
My Mollie was not hard I took her out about every 30 minutes then backed it off to an hour and so on, she figured out if she needed to go to go to the door and let me know. I lost her 18 months ago and I am ready to get another one. She was so sweet and loved me so much.
Not really my yorkie is well trained inside and outside the house. Whenever we don’t have time to go outside we goes to the bathroom and pee in her pee pad but most of the time she holds her pee to have a reason to go outside. I love my yorkie! 🥰
Where do you find rescue?
My two year old susie is amazing little dog very clever too I wouldn’t be without her now she’s my little buddy