10 Fun Facts About Yorkie Terriers
If you are ready to fall in love with a big dog in a little body then a Yorkie Terrier would be a good fit for you. Yorkshire Terriers, as they are formally called, usually weigh a maximum of 7 lbs, however occasionally one will grow to 15 lbs, but it is rare.
If you are already in love with the breed, as so many are then you probably already knew that. But here are a few Yorkie Terrier fun facts you may not have known:

- Weavers brought them to England in the 1800’s. Weaver’s came from Poland, Germany, and other countries for the weaving industry and brought their little dogs with them. (10 tiny facts about Yorkshire terriers)
- They weren’t always called Yorkshire Terriers. In approximately 1860 they were originally called, broken-haired Scottish terriers. However, in 1870 their name was permanently changed to Yorkshire Terriers after the consensus was that they were not perfected until coming to England.
Yorkies are Loyal and Hardworking
- The very first therapy dog was a Yorkie. During WWII a soldier found a Yorkie in a foxhole, named her Smokey and took her in. They traveled together. She was able to dig trenches and crawl into narrow pipes to lay wiring. After the war, she worked as a therapy dog. She toured hospitals and comforted soldiers. Later she appeared on various TV shows until she died in 1957. Now you can visit her monument in Cleveland Ohio. (Roadside Americana.com)
Yorkshire terrier facts
- A Yorkies hair will grow as long as you will let it. Which isn’t recommended. It can grow up to two feet long. If it gets too long they can trip over it and have difficulty walking.
- Yorkies are the most popular AKC breed, I bet you knew that one already. They currently rank 6th in popularity among all breeds.
Yorkies are Protective and Brave
- Yorkie Terriers make great watchdogs. Now we are back to that “big dog in a little body” issue. Yes, they are fearless and very protective of their owners. They aren’t afraid to let their owners know when something is not right.
- Yorkies are known to have problems with their teeth. They are vulnerable to the effects of plaque and tartar buildup. Tooth decay and tooth loss are very painful for the Yorkie so they need routine dental care.
- A Yorkshire Terrier holds the world’s record for the smallest dog in recorded history. Fully grown he only weighed 4 ounces. He lived for two years. (terrificpets.com)
- A 12 lb Yorkie saved an elderly woman by fighting off an 80 lb Akita. The Yorkie survived and only required a few stitches. (terrificpets.com)
- Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the united states had a Yorkie named Pasha. (Richard Nixon’s Presidential pet Pasha)

Hope you enjoyed these Yorkshire Terrier facts!
There are so many reasons to choose a Yorkie for your family pet, however, I will add one more little fact for the meticulous housekeeper and/or asthmatic – they don’t shed. I rest my case. 🙂
If you have any questions about owning and loving your Yorkie, check out our Facebook Community! It is filled with people who love talking about Yorkies.
I love my Yorkie but can’t get her potty trained need help
Hi Cindy,
We’d need some more information to give any suggestions.
Let us know what you’ve tried and how old your Yorkie is.
what can i do my yorkie is almost 6 months old, but he eats everything in site, and when you want to take it away from him he attacks you and wants to bite. what can i do?
I hope you got help. My Yorkie of 15 years just passed away and I never could get her potty trained but I loved her dearly and she loved me the same ?❤️
These are the most beautiful loving teachers? Why teachers because they teach us how to be human they teach us how to sustain Our Lives and make things simple instead of difficult and they put the smile upon her faces that we need the most innocent little things the most beautiful creatures. Oh I wish I had one
I can’t get my Yorkie puppy (8weeks) to stop …biting? please help!
Puppies need to bite constantly so make sure she or he has chewing sticks all the time. This should help.
My Yorkie, Wuffy was only 6 pounds. He loved to do his tricks. Rollover ,set pretty, play dead, shake hands, hide and seek. Each trick was rewarded with a small milk bone treat. I miss him very much?
They definitely crawl into our hearts Mike – thank you for sharing 🙂
Yes… I have had trouble potty training my yorkies also , but I just loved Yorkies , since I seen one as a kid . I could not wait to grow up and get one. I’ve had Yorkies for years . Wish you luck ..I would also love to be able to house train them better.
My Yorkie is 6 and has only had one accident. On the day I got her I bought Pee pads and she has never had an accident since. I keep it in the same place so she is not confused. My yard is fenced and she will go outside only to come in to go on her pee pad
I recently read an article on Yorkie’s being difficult to train from wetting in the house. How much was true I do not know, but it stated that they should go out every 2 hours because their bladder is so little and they can’t hold it very long. I certainly believe it because mine goes out a lot and still has accidents in the house. I just have to use pads. He is good about going on the pad except that since he is a male, he has trouble hitting the whole pad and sometimes misses (sounds like every man I know, lol) Any suggestion please answer.
Crate train your Yorkie using the pads. Also they need to be walked 15 to 20 minutes every day.
Mine prefers to potty outside. She will use the crate if I’m not home or sleeping.
If she has an accident…,, show them then put them in the crate for a long time out 30 minutes. Every time. Ignore them if they cry or whine. Reward them with a treat or by telling them they are a good dog when they potty in the crate. Be consistent. Let them outside first thing in the morning and after every meal. Younger yorkies need to go more frequently like every 2 hours. Before you leave and as soon as you get home. Before you go to sleep and as soon as you wake up. Have them sleep in the crate if they are having accidents during the night. Stick to it. They will put up a fuss. It will save your floor. They will be alright. Learning not to potty on the floor is not going to kill them. We tend to spoil them because they are so cute.
Mine liked their crate when they were little. After fully potty trained they started sleeping with me. Good Luck!!