Yorkie hair needs daily grooming just like us!

A Tail of the Yorkshire Terrier’s Coat

Yorkie hair vs fur: a Yorkie’s coat is among the many things that make them a special breed. Because of the length and thickness of the strands, Yorkshire terriers’ silky hair is more like human hair than fur. Just another reason to love these beautiful dogs. This coat type means that they’re a great pet for dog-lovers who suffer from an allergic reaction to fur, but it also means that Yorkie hair needs to have daily care and grooming, and it changes how the dogs interact with various climates. This article will help you identify the type of coat your Yorkie has, as well as the best way to maintain it.

What Kind of Coat Does Your Yorkie Have?

While Yorkies are all furless, their silky coats are not homogenous. To understand how best to groom your Yorkie, you should first identify the kind of coat it has. Dogs with fur have double coats, whereas Yorkies have a single coat. A double coat consists of an undercoat and a topcoat. Yorkies lack a distinct undercoat causing sensitive skin and much less protection from extreme temperatures. The single coat covers the entire body of the Yorkie.

Yorkies’ types of coats will depend on their age and breed.

Yorkie puppies’ coats change as they develop their adult coat. The breed standard Yorkie coat consists of long silky hair resulting in a soft coat. Yorkies have a two-color beautiful coat primarily consisting of black and a shade of brown. Yorkie coats do not shed or lose their hair like most dog breeds. They maintain their coat throughout their life with hair that grows like human hair.

There are many differences between the coat of an adult Yorkie and a Yorkie puppy. Yorkie coats develop throughout their first two years of life. A puppy coat will be considerably less coarse and thicker than their coat as an adult with much deeper colors. It is not uncommon for Yorkie puppies to have primarily black coats. The deeper black and brown colors are from the absence of silver hairs that develop as an adult which serves to lighten the colors seen as a puppy.

The Yorkie adult coat will more closely resemble the iconic blue and tan colors associated with the breed. The deep, dark black and brown puppy colors are diluted by silver hairs. The hair will also become more coarse and thinner as the puppy coat sheds away and is replaced. The hair will change to resemble human hair at this point.

Just because it looks like a Yorkie doesn’t mean it is. Yorkies share similar body shapes and sizes with many terrier breeds. A commonly confused breed is the Biewer Terrier. They are on average the same size as a Yorkshire Terrier but differ in color. Where a Yorkie has 2 colored coats, a Biewer Terrier has 3. Biewer Terriers are black, brown, and white. Even though Yorkies have some white hairs, they are blended into the other black and brown sections, not individual sections themselves.

Your Furry Yorkie is Actually Hairy!

Yorkie hair needs daily grooming just like us!

“The Yorkie’s hair is almost identical to human hair, which makes the breed a good choice for those with pet allergies. The downside is that like human hair, your Yorkie’s hair continues to grow, and without attention, can become easily matted. To keep your pooch looking spiffy, he needs regular grooming and daily care.” source: www.pedigree.com

Yorkie owners need to be prepared to develop a regular grooming routine. Dogs with hair like Yorkies require constant cutting, brushing, and cleaning.

Hair dogs have coats that never stop growing. Regular hair cuts keep the length of the hair manageable for the Yorkie. Unkept hair can cause Yorkies to have trouble moving and be generally uncomfortable.  Ever heard of tripping over your own feet? Well, Yorkies trip over their own hair. A Yorkie’s hair style can also be chosen for the different seasons throughout the year. For example, keeping your Yorkies hair shorter in the summer helps reduce the effect of summer temperatures on your pet.

The type of brush used gives varying results on Yorkie silk coats. Regular brushing with a pin brush helps to remove tangled hair, matted hair, and any loose hair. The use of a slicker brush can be used to keep the wavy coat you see with show Yorkies.

Along with regular brushing and cutting. Yorkies require regular bathing to maintain hair care and healthy skin. Yorkies require at least two baths a month. There are a variety of Yorkie bathing products designed specifically for Yorkies. Choosing the proper product to use on your pet helps reduce the chance of skin irritation.

Better Grab A Coat

Cold Weather Challenges for Yorkies Now because of their single coat of hair, Yorkies have a hard time adjusting to the cold weather. This means that when winter rolls around if you live in a cold dry place, you should prepare yourself to warm up your best friend. A Yorkie may experience a higher appetite during the winter months and a decreased desire to exercise in the cold. This is perfectly normal, just make sure when your dog does want to walk, they’re well wrapped up. Besides, the snow is the perfect excuse to get your cute puppy in a sweater!

Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic?

Many people with sensitive airways due to asthma or allergies think that they can’t own a dog. This isn’t necessarily true, certain dogs are more hypoallergenic than others. This is because the Yorkshire Terrier has a single coat and doesn’t shed as much as other dogs. The single coat spreads fewer airborne allergens by releasing less dander and hair follicles. Of course, no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic, so it is good to know if it is dog fur you are allergic to or something else like saliva or dander.

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